Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Major Suffixes

Part 1 Section 1 Major Suffixes

Surgical removal or surgical excision.
Example: Ectomy means surgical removal, for example, appendectomy is surgical removal of the appendix.
es: Phẫu thuật cắt bỏ
Image or recording (noun).
Example: Gram is a suffix that means image or a recording of a process. For example, an arthrogram is an image of a joint. Arthro means joint and gram means image. An X-ray is used for creating this image. There are many different ways of creating an image of parts of the body. X-ray is only one of them.
es: hình ảnh
Procedure of creating an image.
Example: Graphy is a suffix that means procedure of creating an image. The word graphy is derived from gram, a suffix that means image. So, graphy is the actual action or process of making an image. For example, the word arthrography It is made up of two word parts. Arthro which means joint and graphy which means procedure of creating an image. An arthrography means the procedure of creating an image of a joint which is done by x-ray. The x-ray image itself is called arthrogram.
es: kỹ thuật và quy trình tạo hình ảnh trực quan
Example: Itis is a suffix that means inflammation, not infection.
es: Viêm
Example: Plasty means surgical repair, for example, hip arthroplasty. Surgical repair of a hip joint.
es: Sửa chữa phẫu thuật
An instrument for viewing.
Example: A scope means an instrument for viewing. For example, a microscope. Micro means small. A microscope is an instrument to view small things. It can be an instrument to viewing inside the body. Then it is called an endoscope. Endo means inside.
es: dụng cụ để xem
Procedure of viewing with an instrument (scope).
Example: Scopy used as a suffix means the procedure of viewing with an instrument (scope). The procedure of viewing inside the body with a scope is called endoscopy. Endo means inside, scopy means procedure. An endoscopy is the instrument used in endoscopy.

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